
Schools & Support
June 15, 2009, 5:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The day started off for Suzanne at 6AM with a hospital visit.  She went with Desmond to Russia Hospital.  Then she led devotions this morning at eight.  She was a little nervous about leading the whole group but she did an excellent job.  Suzanne started off with the verse of the day (her mom wrote her a verse card for every day she’s here…way to go mom) and really sparked a great group discussion.

After devotions we headed to a preschool located in George’s, a local CHI volunteer, community.  Laura presented the first two P principles of the Choose To Wait program.  Then we had lots of play time with the kids.  We divided the children up into two groups by age and played with parachutes.  The kids had a blast and love to get their picture taken.  It was a nice balance for us all after a hard couple of days.

June 15th 025

This afternoon John, Amanda, Suzanne, and Laura went to an AIDS support group.  This is an amazing group of adults, teens, and children who have chosen to live openly by admitting they are infected with HIV.  They are choosing to live a positive lifestyle and take medications.  One man has been living with HIV for the last 12 years and is continuing to do well.  This is a HUGE step for these people.  In Africa, people are shunned, fired, and isolated when it is discovered they have the disease.  This group of people is hoping to start changing attitudes towards those who are infected.  They are hoping to work together to create a product to sell in order to support themselves.  They had some items out today for sale and it was hard to say no…so we didn’t.  Laura stayed in and met with the adults.  John, Amanda, and Suzanne took the children outside so the adults could meet.  It wasn’t in the plan but we improvised well.  Amanda and John were able to share some encouragement with the kids and Suzanne led the kids in a couple of songs.  A fantastic teenager translated for us.  It was interesting to try to teach duck, duck, goose with a language barrier.

This afternoon Ashley traveled to a local school to help with the Choose To Wait program.  A local CHI volunteer, John, led the lesson.  The kids were really bright and had excellent debates.  They weren’t shy about sharing their opinions and talked out their differences.

Ashley and Amanda then hand-washed their laundry (Laura has also done this).  They almost felt Kenyan, but only almost.

3 Comments so far
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Way to go on hand washing your laundry, girls! Don’t be shy–let the Kenyans show you how it’s done! 😀 So glad you had an encouraging day!

Comment by Stacie@HobbitDoor

Thank you for the wonderful posts; I will continue to pray. I think I understand about the physical needs almost eclipsing the need for Christ. But of course, they don’t really, so we try to minister to the whole person. (Amanda, we saw your parents Sat. pm and Sunday, and so appreciated their coming. They seemed good.)

Comment by Lynn Marie Kramp

Thanks for the updates. Love and prayers from NE tonight!

Comment by beccy

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