
June 16, 2009, 2:47 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today is our last day in Kisumu.  Tomorrow we will be trekking to Nairobi.  This morning we divided up into three groups.  Laura, Ashley, and Suzanne went to a preschool and played with kids.  Laura and Michelle taught the P principles again and Suzanne taught the kids the song Father Abraham.  Before leaving the preschool, they were taken to the office and three staff members shared how much they appreciated visitors and how it uplifts them.  Please keep this school (Hoda Hoda).    This afternoon, Laura napped while Ashley and Suzanne did a return trip to the market to make purchases and then joined Agaath and Berdian for a trip to the Italian coffee shop.

Amanda went on Care and Compassion with Annelien and Jacob.  She was able to go into Kenyan homes and visit with patients.  It was amazing to follow Annelien and Jacob through the neighborhoods…she would have never found her way out.  The people of Kenya are so gracious and inviting.  It was good to see so many people doing well.  Several were adjusting to being on ARV meds and so they were fatigued.  Praise the Lord, she didn’t gag when an open wound was dressed in front of her.  As a group, we took turns sharing encouragement from the Word and praying over the people.  We met with six different families.  Amanda experienced her first matatu and boda boda rides.  There are no words to describe the traffic in Kisumu so to say she was scared may seem silly, but it was riding boda bodo was probably one of the scariest things she has ever done.  Not the preferred choice of transportation on busy roads (Ashley and Suzanne also experienced boda boda rides today).

African Child Day 073

John also went on a Care and Compassion run with Desmond and was gone all day.  They traveled back to the counrtyside village where the support group was held yesterday.  They got stuck several times in the mud, so John was the one who got out to push the van.  They went to several homes and saw many of the same people we met yesterday.  They brought food and did some counseling.  At one patients house, they found one the patient’s daughter was at the hospital several miles away.  Desmond and John gave him a ride to the hospital and were able to intervene with the doctors in order to get the little girl medical attention (she went in at 7:30 that morning and still hadn’t seen a doctor at 2).  She had a fever of 104 and was immediately placed on antibiotics.  She is doing better.  While at the hopsital, a nurse told Desmond and John there was a patient in deep in a village and was very sick and did not have a ride to the hospital.  So, John and Desmond went exploring in order to find this man.  After a while, they found the man and brought him to the hospital.  He was actually moved to a larger hospital today in order to receive “better” care.

Fun story from yesterday…if you have ever read the book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” we learned if you offer a Kenyan a ride…this is what happens…

June 15th 118

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Love the reference to the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie . . .”! The Italian coffee shop sounds yummy!

Comment by Stacie@HobbitDoor

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