
apples & more
June 21, 2009, 6:33 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today we spent the day at a children’s home and the emphasis is on home.  Although, the children and adults live in separate buildings (sorted by age), they are truly one family.  It was an amazing day.

When we arrived, we found that church had started without us.  The singing had already begun and we joined right in.  The different student groups put on a performance for us.  Then the entire team helped lead the worship service.  Amanda, Laura, and Michelle and spent part of the drive home from the safari planning out the sermon but didn’t have the details planned out.  We worked on it some last night and decided to ride together this morning to go over the individual parts to make sure there was a flow.  God truly met us on that car ride.  The sharing that occurred was truly brought on by God’s prompting and led to some changes in the sermon that had a big impact on those who heard.  After the service, we made a receiving line and were greeted by all the people in attendance.  Greeting everyone individually as you come and go is a Kenyan custom and it was a flashback to the old days when everyone personally greeted the pastor.

After service, everyone relaxed while some of the team prepared a picnic lunch for 80 people.  We served hotdogs, chips, carrots, and apples.  The apples were a huge hit as most of the people had never had one before.  Even the hotdogs were a rarity…maybe one every few years.

The games began shortly after lunch.  It was so much fun teaching some new games.  We taught partner tag and the penny relay.  Both were games Amanda had used in her coaching days.  Everyone approached the games with enthusiasm and it was a great time.  The penny relay had kids having to put on four shirts (they made a shirt, pants, purse, and hat).  It was quite the sight and provided many laughs.  Then the children taught us a few of their games that were quite fun.

We came together as a group to say good-bye.  This group is amazing and it was difficult to leave.  We all had a blast today as we got to hang out with this special family.  Sorry no pictures today…the internet is having trouble uploading them for some reason.

3 Comments so far
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What a precious day! Such sweet memories for you guys!

Comment by Stacie@HobbitDoor

Love the daily updates and pictures. Ashley, we are soooo proud of you! It’s mind boggling to think of all that you have done for the Kenyan people. You really are amazing, and we can’t wait to hear ALL of your stories when you return. We miss you, please be safe coming home. Keep up the good work and enjoy your last couple days.

Comment by Kelly Shu & Mike Wags

Thanks for the posts and pictures. I sort of feel like I saw some of Africa with you. Praying for safety as you finish and travel home.

Comment by Lynn Marie Kramp

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